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Hallmark Formulations Pharmaceuticals, started its business in the year 2004 in Ludhiana, Punjab. The founder of this company is Dr. Rajan Satija and the CEO of this company is Neeraj Satija. Dr. Neeraj Satija has vast industry experience which helped employees to manufacture a supreme range of quality products that are supplied to world-class hospitals such as Max, Fortis, DMC and Medanta. We supply our products not only these hospitals but also supply products to state-run hospitals all over India. Moreover, Dr. Neeraj Satija is a man of ethics and has always considered manufacturing a flawless range of products for the patients that not only meet their diverse requirements but exceed their expectations.
Research & Development
Here at Hallmark Formulation Pharmaceutical, research, innovations, and quality up-gradation programs consider as an essential part. Our Marketing efforts are supported by a strong R & D team of highly qualified scientists. Our well-qualified and trained scientists have the ability to produce effective and better medicines for patients so that they won’t face any problem in life.
Our R&D centre has few basic interests include-:
- Chemical Research & Development Department
- Formulation Development Department
- Analytical Research & Development Department
Hallmark formulations pharmaceuticals is also a world leader in the development and manufacturing of completely high-quality products with a wide portfolio of more than 200 products include HIV/AIDS, Oncology, Cardiovascular, Neurology, etc.
Moreover, we set our own standards in order to make top-notch products. Since Hallmark Formulation Pharmaceuticals value your health, life, and money. Our research and development team is focused on creating new drug formulations for existing and new drug products in order to improve the existing products. Our researchers main work is to improve the lives of thousands of people by their new innovations around the world.