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About Us

CureMarkMediSciences is an pharmaceutical company that specialize in simplicity and efficiency in the least levels of the worth chain so as to be ready to deliver cost-efficient medicines of highest quality to pharmacies and hospitals, in the Indian region. Being a research-driven company, we are committed to complying with the very best ethical standard in clinical research and practice. We want to be valued not only for our pharmaceutical products but also for the way we conduct our research and innovations at our work. Our entire business is predicated on delivering the most cost effective medicines to pharmacies and hospitals, during this way lowering the value of high-quality drugs for patients and society. Soon will be known for our innovative products and leading-edge science to advance patient care. Our products would continue the reputation for special quality and best potential enforcement. Right from the acquirement till complete formulations, our stringent modes assure that the products are safe, effective and compliant with the Universal standards.

We at Curemark Medi-Sciences are committed to a fulfill the medical needs through our inherent expertise and perfection. Our areas of focus include: Vitamins, Anti-epileptics and Antioxidants, Sleep Inducing Agents, Cold & Cough preparations, Protein food supplements, Digestive Enzymes & Calcium supplements.

Our strong commitment of providing quality products is boasted by in-depth industry knowledge, well-qualified team of professionals, as well as hi-tech and advanced infrastructure. Resultantly, creating mutually beneficial associations for all the parties involved.

Presently, the Company manufactures and markets a wide range of pharmaceutical products in the following therapeutic groups in the domestic market:

  • Antibiotic & Antifungal
  • Anticold & Antiallergies
  • Analgesiay & Antinflammatory
  • Cardiac & Diabetic
  • Gastro Disorders & PPI
  • Injectiables
  • Nutraceutical Supplements
  • Paediatric Care
